ICS Electron (HK) CO., LTD mainly specialize in electronic component passive ( Transistors ) APT, FSC, Fuji, GI, HAR, HIT, IR, Intersil, Infinineon, MOT, MIT, NEC , ON, PHI, ST, TOS, Vishay… and electornic component active ( Integrated Circuits ) Atmel, Alliance, Altera, Agilent, BB, Dallas, Fairchild, Harris, Hitachi, Hyundai, Infineon, Intel, Linear, NS, NEC, MOT, Maxim, Philip, Sony, Samsung, Sharp, TDK, Xilinx…. We have access to sixty thousands of lines items about them.
Our product range also includes Military, obsolete and “hard to find” components.
Please visit our website and check our inventory at www.ics-elec.com. We also have access to inventory not listed so please contact us with your daily requirements. And we'll response you immediately. We can help you to find the stop production components.